You Got An Expander, Now What?

Congratulations on beginning your journey with orthodontic treatment! This new phase comes with a lot of questions and we hope to answer them for you in this blog post!

What You Can Expect

It is normal for chewing, swallowing, and talking to seem awkward for the first few days.

Turn the expander once a day for however many days as prescribed. If you should miss a day/turn, no worries! Just add a day at the end! DO NOT turn the expander past the number of prescribed days.

Food WILL get stuck in the expander and that is normal, using a Waterpik will help keep the area clean.

Please only turn the expander the amount of turns that the doctor prescribed and then STOP.

Your mouth or nose may feel a slight tingle or possibly mild tightness at first. Over the counter pain relievers may help.

You may start to notice gaps between the front teeth. This is a sign that the expander is working!

If you have difficulty turning the expander, please don’t hesitate to call us at (630) 323-1201.